Hi prospective donors,
My name is Jae, and I am raising funds to save Capoeira Arts Foundation/United Capoeira Association. I want to share my experience with this community.
I started training at United Capoeira Association (UCA) when I was 19. I was sarcastic with life, but stubborn and persistent to find my identity in the world. It took me 3 years before I felt comfortable talking to anyone at UCA. Mestre Acordeon and Mestra Suelly was very patient with me during the first 3 years. They both gave me enough space to feel comfortable with myself.
I want to give back to UCA as much as UCA has given me. I'm currently in my 8 consecutive years of practice in Capoeira. I want to support the new generations of students who are undergoing their own story creation through Capoeira. I also want to support Mestra Suelly in her new leadership role in UCA.
We are currently in a difficult time due to a recent cutback from our funding. We lost a major contributor that has supported our overhead expenses for the past 10 years. Without the $60,000, our space will be forced to close. We are one of the few 501(c)(3) non-profit that has extended the reach of the African-Brazilian arts through a robust scholarship program for youths, through its regular programming in Berkeley, and through a number of financial partnerships with capoeira-based projects geared toward at-risk youth in northeastern Brazil.
There are many more stories that are being created right now in UCA. Your tax-deductible contribution will help not just to keep our space open, but to continue creating new stories.