Dear friends and family, thank you for saving my capoeira school! You can donate by clicking the “Give Now” button. I really appreciate your support. Love, "Afiada"
My name is Jordan and my capoeira nickname is “Afiada”. I am 9 years old and I’ve been doing capoeira for the past three years. It’s fun to learn new floreios, flips, and kicks. My favorite move is au batido because it’s fun when you go upside down and kick at the same time.
My biggest accomplishment was getting my first belt because it was the first step onto the path of capoeira.
I like learning backflips and florios from Mestre Recruta, and cool combinations from Contramestre Pincel. Mestra Suelly encourages me to play with the adults and inspires me to be a Mestra too.
Capoeira makes me feel strong, fearless, and powerful. I feel more confident and proud of myself. I used to think that being small wasn’t the best thing. But after doing capoeira, it feels better to be small because you can sneak behind and under people too. I just feel better about who I am.
UCA Berkeley is important to me because it’s like a second home, and it would be really sad if the school wasn’t there. Please donate to help keep my school open, because it’s really important to me. The school also helps a lot of kids that don’t have very much money or food or clothes here in Berkeley and in Brazil.