2018 Capoeira Arts Foundation Roda-thon

Help my capoeira school stay open Learn More

Hi Friends and Family, 

As you know I have been practicing Capoeira a little over 15 years. Capoeira has helped to shape my life. I started practicing at the UCA in Berkeley, CA with mestre Acordeon, mestre Rã y mestra Suely. I had worked and taught in that space for many years, I have seen how hard is to maintain and support a space and a community like this one. The community is like a second family and the space like a second house. 

Now we are having financial problems and we are at risk of closing the space. The UCA lost a very important grand that helped with the cost of the academy. We are doing a roda-thon to raise some founds to keep the space open. It would be awesome if you can make a donation (since I won't be able to participate in the roda thon, please make flat donations, thank you! ). Please feel free to contact me if you need more information. 

Thank you! 

Silver aka Mata mosquito 

Tora $20.00
I hope the school pulls through. It played an important role in my growth as a human being and I will be forever grateful to the school and my capoeira family. Love you guys.
Artem & Karin $30.00
Contramestre Beringela
Matamosquito we missed you in Denver! Now go get that money, sonny!
Rob Voigt $20.00
Mniska Lamb
Get those jogos homie!
Nicole $50.00

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