Hi Friends and Family,
I am partnering with Capoeira Arts Foundation and raising money for 2018 Capoeira Arts Foundation Roda-thon. My youngest Sun, Xavier, actively participates in Capoeira (Afro-Brazilian martial art/dance/music form) and will be participating again this year. You can see a short clip of Mergulhador (that's his Capoeira name which means "deep sea diver" - he wears sports goggles) playing above. He LOVES Capoeira and has built so much confidence both physically and mentally since starting about a year and a half ago. His goal is to play in at least 10 rodas (“games” or “rounds" of Capoeira) during this event. I may even lube up my joints and play a few! LOL Our goal is raise $200 by October 15th.
We sincerely appreciate your support for this fundraiser and our goal. You can donate now and by hitting “Give Now” on the upper right.
You can give with any major credit card and it only takes 30 seconds. Please consider donating $1/roda, or whatever you can. No amount is too small! We appreciate it so very much.
Thank you for joining us!