2024 Tour de Force 9/11 Memorial Bike Ride

Tour de Force is a 4 day bicycle ride to honor the victims on 9/11 and to support the families of police officers that made the ultimate sacrifice.

This page was created in support of 2024 Tour de Force 9/11 Memorial Bike Ride - Click here to join this cause


My participation in the Tour De Force began in 2007 following the 2006 line of duty death of my police academy classmate Michael Briggs. Since then, I have ridden every year raising money to support the families of our brother and sister officers killed in service to their communities.

Both families and communities feel the pain when an officer pays the ultimate price. The loss is especially challenging for the families and the money that the Tour De Force gives a family can help to lessen some of the financial burden.

Your donations are so very important as we have lost so many officers in recent years. As of 7/24/2024, American communities have lost 77 officers in the line of duty this year alone.

Every little bit helps so please consider supporting this worthy cause.

Thank you,

Bob Frechette

WIN Home Inspection
Love you Bobby
Dover Police Charities $250.00
Robert Frechette Consulting $500.00
Paul Callaghan $20.00
Cliff & Carol Springer $25.00
Katie Swanson $25.00
Ron & Martha $100.00
Christine Noble
Good luck Bob!
Chris Jones
May the force be with you
Melissa F $25.00
Tammy Fetterolf
Have a great ride!
Shay Clark
Good luck!!
Kate Sleight $100.00
Bill Hernandez
Thank you for riding for Dale. I am sure our friends in Greensboro appreciate the support.
Ed Levesque $50.00
Good luck, Bob. I am happy to support you and this important fund.
Gael Strack
Thank you Robert for keeping Sgt. Dale Nix in our hearts and minds.
Eugene M Hyman
Best wishes for a successful ride!
Brian Fetterolf $25.00
This is awesome that you still are doing this ride ! Best wishes for a safe ride !
Adirondack Garda $36,848.00
Todd Garrity $2,000.00
James Murphy $1,850.00
richard kozak $1,700.00
Hattie Johnson $500.00
Jeff Kerr $1,900.00
Robert Frechette $1,940.00
Thomas Brown $9,008.00
Scott Rivers $1,850.00
Steven McPherson $500.00
Corey Landrum $1,700.00
william houlihan $1,900.00
Andrea Hughes $1,700.00
Matt Hutton $1,800.00
Mark Wells $1,700.00
Stephen Bernacki $1,700.00
Adam Rivers $1,700.00
Doug Fifer $1,700.00

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