Boar's Head Brigade Courageous Challenge 2022
"Not on My Watch" Learn More
HHC of the Boar's Head Brigade is proud to once again support the work of Armed Forces Mission (AFM) in raising awareness about the risk of suicide. More than 22,000 individuals have participated in AFM's suicide intervention training.
Funds raised through the 2022 Courageous Challenge will be used to train the North Georgia family, as well as First Responder agencies within North Georgia's 9th Congressional District.
The need is greater than ever! In 2020 suicide in the 15 to 24 age group across Georgia increased 13% over the previous six year average and the Corps of Cadets lost one of our own only three days before his graduation in 2021.
We are committed to the call "NOT ON MY WATCH!" Your support for the mission is greatly appreciated.
Stephanie Steuer
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. -John Quincy Adams |
$100.00 |
Laurana Bradley
Whiskey Bent, Hell Bound! |
Alan Coody | $20.00 |
My gift is in honor of my Grandson, c/CPT Michael Elliott Blumthal. |
$100.00 |
Vera Newsom
Prayers to all of the brave men and women who are dedicating their lives to defending these United States from dangers both foreign and domestic. HOOAH! |
$100.00 |
Kurt Blumthal
To help support HHC and our son, Cadet Captain, Michael Blumthal. |
$100.00 |
Michael Blumthal
Surrender to none |
$100.00 |
Tracy Hamm | $100.00 |
Hanna Zinn
Lets go HHC |
$55.00 |
Kristen & Matt Meade | $100.00 |
Chris and Teresa Stovall
Let's go HHC! Meet the challenge. |
$100.00 |
Matthew Baugh | $15.00 |
The Anderson Family
In honor of Cadet Benjamin Anderson in memory of his grandfather JB Anderson. |
Jodi Glasco Isley | $100.00 |
Isaiah Gadsden
Hooah |
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