The Millers Estonia 2024

Estonia soccer camp ministry Learn More

Dear friends,

It is with great excitement that I get to share this opportunity to partner in God's work in Estonia! As you may know, I have partnered with Estonian church leaders for the last two summers, and I am eager to return a third time. This year I am honored to be joined by Mariana, my wife. It is her first time to see all that the Lord is doing in and through the ministry. 

The Estonia sports ministry is a wonderful opportunity for the youth to experience what Gospel centered community looks like. Few young men and women across the former soviet country have heard the gospel, and even fewer know what it's like to be loved unconditionally. Many come from broken homes. Estonians are raised to be tough, serious people. Yet I am touched to see what a difference a smile can make. At the camp, the youth have an opportunity to be themselves, to laugh, to play, in a supportive environment that is soaked in Gospel Love. I am so thankful to serve and to serve with the pastors who love these students year-round. I thank God for the opportunity to return summer after summer!


Luke Miller

Will you prayerfully consider partnering with us to support Christ centered discipleship in Estonia?

You can give with any major credit card and it only takes 30 seconds. We appreciate it so very much.

Thank you for joining us!

Chase & Adrian
Praying for both of you and your team as you head to Estonia! May the Lord use each member of your team to encourage the missionaries in Estonia and bring the hope and light of Jesus Christ to the people.
Ken & Gillian Leslie $100.00
Paul & Amy Bowers
06/09/2024 Estonia 2024 - Miller, L (Ck#422291 05/17/2024)
The Bocks
Praying for the Lord to knit your hearts closer together as you serve Him and the Estonian community!
Kristyn Panopio
Praying for your trip!
Anonymous $500.00
CVCC Fundraiser - Tacos
05/01/2024 Estonia 2024 Miller, L & M. (Cash 04/21/2024)
Praying for an impactful and fruitful trip!!
Jonathan Isaac $250.00
sarah and daniel
we love you both and your heart for christ and his people!
James and Millicent Nganga $240.00
Anonymous $600.00
Estonia $17,558.48
Christopher Sanchez $2,950.00
Luke Miller $5,900.00
Estonia Group $1,578.48
Micah Hendley $2,300.00
Chad Bishop $0.00
Pretoria Wenz $1,905.00
Skyler Esquerra $2,925.00

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