The Memorial Day Freedom 5K

Raising money for Veterans and First Responders as well as Crossroads Farm! Learn More

In 2022, Greg Waxman, known as the Patriot Man because he runs with the American flag, and world-renowned wheelchair racer Peter Hawkins ran 50 miles around the village of Malverne in 8 hours to raise money for veterans and first responders. Last year, we invited everyone to run a 5K with us for the same great causes. We raised $15,000: $7000 for American Legion Post #44 to help them provide a service dog for a local veteran, $1000 donation to the Malverne Fire Department, $2000 to keep funding the scholarship of Sgt. Winters of the Malverne Police Department, $1000 donation to Paws of War and the Steven McDonald Foundation, and $3000 to support Crossroads Farm. With your help, we want to keep up this effort. We partnered with the Never Stop Running Foundation 501c(3) to make your sponsorship or donation tax deductible. We really appreciate any support you can give!

For additional race information, visit

 You can donate now and by hitting “Give Now” on the upper right.

You can give with any major credit card and it only takes 30 seconds. I appreciate it so very much.

Thank you for joining me!

SV $100.00
Mike Stef - TheTailgators $100.00
Corinne lavin
We are so proud of all you have done!
Sandra & Frank Muoio $50.00
Let’s go
Noelle Cutter
Good luck!
Charles Mule
Keep up the amazing Gregory! Awesome job as always. You’re the man!
Lang Family $100.00
Payment for New York life sponsoring a table at the fair and 5k Contact person Darline Suarez 516-920-6400
Jodi Clarin $20.00
Run Forrest run
Danny Lada
Danny Lada Boiiii
Gene Acker
Keep up the good work!
John Vogt III
Now stop nagging me please !!!!
Christopher Murray $50.00
Efrain Hernandez $100.00
Pat Curtin $50.00
Reworld $1,000.00
Vito Masaracchia Jr.
Fly Eagles Fly
Stephen Marsalese
Very happy to help
Anonymous $100.00
Gabe $20.00
ACR Steve
An amazing cause …..Kick butt
glen wolther
And this is my personal donation of $500
Glen Wolther
My business just gave you per our talk today, $2000 glen Wolther
Matt A
Good luck!
Christine $50.00
Charles Dawe
Good luck Greg!
Scott Bitterman $18.00
Joe stanciu
Keep on running
Rock Del Franco
keep it going strong!
Brendan Kaelin $100.00
Brooke Hutt
Good luck!!!!
MRB ACCOUNTING 516-427-7313 $250.00

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