Our Capoeira story is that we did Capoeira in Mozambique for a while, and every studio we went to didn’t have a lot of things. We had to play on broken cement. So we know how difficult it was and now that we get to play in a real studio makes us want to help others. So that everybody can play in real studios and this fundraiser is our chance to do that. We've been playing at Canto do Galo since we moved to Denver in 2015. We love it and it teaches us a lot, like Saheli's handspin and better moves for Jehan.
We are partnering with Capoeira Arts Foundation and raising money for 2018 Capoeira Arts Foundation Roda-thon. We sincerely appreciate your support for this fundraiser and my goal. You can donate now and by hitting “Give Now” on the upper right.
You can give with any major credit card and it only takes 30 seconds. We appreciate it so very much.
Thank you for joining us!