2018 Capoeira Arts Foundation Roda-thon

Enriching lives through Capoeira Learn More

Hi Friends and Family,

I am partnering with Capoeira Arts Foundation to raise money for our capoeira academy in Berkeley, California. The school is a community arts center that hosts all kinds of cultural and community events, from capoeira to dance classes of all kinds, enrichment camps for kids, Brazilian arts festivals, and music events where people can come together. People come from all over the world to visit the space.

Capoeira has been a huge part of my life for the past nine years. This academy holds such a special place in my heart and the work of the Capoeira Arts Foundation benefits the community immeasurably. I first realized what an extraordinary place this was when one of the students in our community, a young woman, passed away suddenly. The academy held a vigil and celebration for her life, with candles and music, and a place to come together. Her photo has remained over the doorway ever since and every year she has gotten her new belt along with her class of students. There is no other place like this, that I have encountered in my life, in this country, that is dedicated to fostering community, to teaching us to support one another, to know one another, and to listen to one another.

Please help me raise money for the Capoeira Arts Foundation on July 14 when I will participate in a Roda-thon, an event involving playing games of capoeira, like a walk-a-thon. You can donate by hitting “Give Now” on the upper right.

You can give with any major credit card and it only takes 30 seconds. I appreciate it so very much.

Thank you for joining me!

Nemo Curiel
Con todo!!!
Artem & Karin $40.00
2018 Capoeira Art’s Foundation Rosa-thon $50.00
Contramestre Beringela
BARSKY you da bomb! Miss yer face.
Tuchegas $25.00
Elshia Vasquez
Thank you Amy for your axe and your love of UCA!
Fogueira $40.00
canela $25.00
Judy + Abhy $20.00
Dona Maria
Vc é sempre otimo!
Emily Barsky $50.00
Julia Iúna
Best of luck for the roda-thon! Keep playing and keep smiling :-)
Tara (Gaivota)
Muito axé e boa sorte!
Good Luck reaching your goal!!
Stellio Sinnis
Keep on collecting your words
Anonymous $50.00
Keep kickin ass!
susan and arthur barsky for amy barsky
We are so very proud of you for your work in capoiera and for your love for the children in Brazil who benefit from capoiera and its teachings and affection for the children
We are delighted to help with your worthy cause. Love, Aunt Caren & Uncle Bill
Axe Corvo!
Joe Zanini (Uirapuru)
Muito axe

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