Hi Friends and Family,
I am partnering with Saint John's Program for Real Change and raising money for them as they face significant financial implications as a result of the COVID-19 threat. Saint John's not only means a lot to our community but to me personally as well. I sincerely appreciate your support for this fundraiser and my goal.
You can donate now by hitting “Give Now” on the upper right. You can give with any major credit card and it only takes 30 seconds. I appreciate it so very much.
Thank you for joining me and supporting the women and children at Saint John's!
Wishing you health and safety at this time,
Anthony York | $200.00 |
Eric Hacopian | $50.00 |
Happy birthday Paul! |
$100.00 |
Stuart Baker and Molly Penberth
Thanks for contacting me about this. Hope you had a happy birthday. See you out there! |
$100.00 |
Jason Murphy
Happy to join you in support of this terrific effort. |
$40.00 |
David Heitstuman
Happy Birthday Paul and happy to support St. John's. |
$25.00 |
Hugh Janney
Keep up the good work; glad to help |
$50.00 |
John Wildermuth | $50.00 |
Anonymous | $100.00 |
David Ryu
Happy Birthday! |
$25.00 |
Jackie & David Koenig
Thanks for the opportunity to help out. |
Richard Lowden
HBD! |
$100.00 |
Benjamin Meyers | |
Christy Bouma
Sorry I didn't get my donation in by your birthday. Happy 50th!!! Celebrating with you and thanks for directing our attention to St Johns! Be well! |
$250.00 |
Mike McNerney | $100.00 |
Paul Gladfelty | $200.00 |
Hannah Konnoff | $25.00 |
Jeff Harrelson | $200.00 |
Patricia Harris | $25.00 |
Wendy Mitchell
My hubby rocks |
Amy Howorth
Paul, Heard about this from Scott Lay. I was compelled to give because you have run a great business and I’m grateful for all that you have given the political industry and realm! |
$100.00 |
Paul: Saw your birthday message yesterday: this is a terrific way to celebrate! belated happy birthday. Kathy |
Mindy Romero | $100.00 |
God bless and Happy Birthday Paul, thanks for always being a class act!!! |
Joan Buchanan
Happy Birthday! |
$250.00 |
Connie Malloy | |
Mary V. Hughes | $50.00 |
Nick B | $100.00 |
Happy Birthday! |
$30.00 |
Matching my awesome college counselor Toni Iseman!! | $50.00 |
Matching Dennis Mangers | $100.00 |
Matching Alice Kessler | $25.00 |
Alice Kessler
Happy Birthday, Paul! |
$25.00 |
Matching John Niensedt | $57.00 |
John Niensedt
Great idea for a birthday. Have a great one! |
Dennis Mangers
Happy Birthday Paul |
$100.00 |
Matching Randy Pollack | $50.00 |
Matching Jen | $50.00 |
Randy Pollack
Happy birthday! |
$50.00 |
Matching Gary Brown | $400.00 |
Matching Jeff Buckley | $100.00 |
Paul Mitchell | $15.00 |
Gary Brown | $400.00 |
Matching Janice | $25.00 |
Paul G Hegyi
HBD brother! |
$150.00 |
Happy Birthday! |
$50.00 |
Happy Birthday Buddy! |
$100.00 |
Janice Rocco
Happy 50! |
The Lew Edwards Group
Happy birthday Paul! Stay healthy and safe! |
$100.00 |
Bryan Blum | $100.00 |
Support the Red Door | $200.00 |
Kevin | $30.00 |
Jeff Sauls
Happy B-day Paul. My 50th is coming up in July. Glad to support you’re efforts. |
$100.00 |
James Harrison | $100.00 |
Nancy Dolan
Happy Birthday, wish I could give more to this important cause. |
Shanan Alper
Such impressive work! |
Shani McElroy
Happy birthday! |
Mark Taylor
Happy 50th Paul! Wishing you the best and happy to support your cause! |
$100.00 |
Happy Birthday, Paul. You should be hearing from AARP soon! Great Cause and I am happy to support. |
$250.00 |
Happy birthday brother! |
$35.00 |
Anonymous | $250.00 |
James Lau
Happy birthday! |
$250.00 |
Rosanna Herber
Happy Birthday! |
$100.00 |
Jacob Mejia
Happy Birthday, Paul! And good for you for sharing your birthday with many in need. Take care! |
Happy birthday. Susan M |
$200.00 |
Paul Goodwin | $100.00 |
Bob Giroux
Happy Birthday |
Brian | $250.00 |
Rachel K Miller
This is great. Happy birthday |
$150.00 |
Josh Pulliam
Happy Birthday old timer! Thanks for doing good for others! |
$150.00 |
Tony Krvaric | |
Mark Capitolo
Happy jubilee big guy. |
$100.00 |
Good work. |
$150.00 |
Dave and Joe
Great job Paul! |
$250.00 |
Happy Birthday! |
$25.00 |
Chuck ON
I have always appreciated you greatly! |
Brian VanRiper | |
Chris Chaffee
Happy Birthday! |
$250.00 |
Kristen E Loomis
Happy Birthday! |
$40.00 |
David Pruitt
Happy Birthday! |
$250.00 |
Anonymous | $25.00 |
Trevor Rodgers
Happy Birthday Paul! |
$50.00 |
Terry Anderson | $50.00 |
Jonathan Korn
Happy 50th Paul! Thanks for supporting such a great program. |
$250.00 |
Darius Derakshan
Happy Birthday, Paul, thanks for all that you do and glad you are supporting such a wonderful casue. |
$50.00 |
B | $50.00 |
Stacey Miner | $500.00 |
Your only friend | $50.00 |
Juan Rodriguez
Happy Birthday Paul. |
$500.00 |
Thanks Paul, you deserve the best of birthdays. |
$100.00 |
Bob Mulholland
The time from the age of 40 to 50 will go twice as fast from 50 to 60. |
$50.00 |
Steve Hansen | |
Michael Lewis | $100.00 |
Sheila Dey
Happy Birthday Paul. Best, Sheila Dey |
$100.00 |
Dustin Corcoran
Happy Birthday! |
$250.00 |
Daniel C Schnur
What a great cause, Paul! Happy Birthday! |
$100.00 |
Liz Snow | $100.00 |
Paula Treat
Happy birthday Paul❣️❣️❣️ |
$100.00 |
Susan Carson | $100.00 |
Dan Seeman | $100.00 |
Diana Colin
Happy birthday, Paul! |
$50.00 |
John Fairbanks
Happy Birthday Paul. Beautiful day for doing good. |
$100.00 |
Kenneth Andres
Happy Birthday |
$100.00 |
Howard Welinsky
Thank for you vote by mail tracker |
$200.00 |
Wanda Kilbourne
Happy Birthday, Paul I'm so happy you are part of this great organization. |
$50.00 |
Jared Huffman | $100.00 |
Jan Baird | $20.00 |
Jeff Gozzo | $500.00 |
Michael Dieden
Happy birthday. And thank you for using your birthday to raise $ for this win need very admirable. |
$100.00 |
Joe Zago
The big 5-0! Man, where did the years go? Happy Birthday! |
$250.00 |
Vigo Gilbert Nielsen Jr | $500.00 |
Isaac Gonzalez | $25.00 |
Bill Wong | $50.00 |
Tab Berg
Great organization! Thanks Paul! |
$100.00 |
Steven Maviglio
Happy Birthday Paul! |
$50.00 |
Brad Sherman
Happy Birthday, Paul. From Brad, the only member in the Rayburn building |
$200.00 |
Helpy, The Rio Dinner at the race course and heard the background story of this program was a great time for Tenley and myself . |
$100.00 |
Parke K Skelton | $250.00 |
Ken Strasma | $50.00 |
Chris Cooper, Convergence Targeted Communications
Paul: what a great idea. I have a similarly big b-day coming up later this year, and recently thought about what it might look like. You've given me inspiration. Good luck with this cause. cheers Chris |
$100.00 |
Andrew Drechsler
Happy Birthday Paul! |
$27.00 |
Sean Henschel
Great cause- Happy Birthday sir! |
$50.00 |
Jennifer Lee
Hoot Birthday, can’t believe we’ve been together 50 years. |
$200.00 |
Matt Moretti
Happy Birthday. |
$200.00 |
Kenny Kwong
Happy Birthday, Paul. The folks at St John’s are lucky to have you as their advocate. Hope all is going well with you and family. |
$100.00 |
Shaun Flanigan
Happy 50th! Sending love from our family to yours! |
$200.00 |
dan newman
The data says you old. |
$100.00 |
Adam and Desiree Probolsky | $36.00 |
Happy Birthday! Great group, great cause! |
Ross, Rexroad and Peschong
Happy 50th! |
$250.00 |
Gary DeLong
Happy Birthday! |
$100.00 |
Happy birthday, Paul! |
$150.00 |
Madeline A. Finch
HBD, Paul. I’m so happy to support St John’s, and glad you’re raising money for them. |
$25.00 |
Jacob Thompson-Fisher
Happy birthday! |
$100.00 |
Anthony and Andrea
Happy Birthday, Pablo. |
$100.00 |
Areen Ibranossian
Happy birthday, Paul! Hope this small contribution can help. Stay healthy and safe. che and family |
$100.00 |
Evan McLaughlin | |
Anonymous | $100.00 |
Scott Lay | $50.00 |
Ashley Novak
Happy 50th, Paul! |
$100.00 |
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